All prices in Australian dollars and include hard case.

Please contact me for more information about any of these instruments. Please note that I am always building more instruments so this page is updated regularly.

Cedar— tiger myrtle mandolin

Select image for more photos

Sound files

Fanny power Listen Woods of Caolrua Listen


Hand carved western red cedar top
Hand carved Tasmanian tiger myrtle back, sides and neck
Gidgee fretboard, Ebony bridge
Grover tuners
Laquer finished top and French polished
K&K twin internal pickup
Serial number: N049
Price: $3750

Spruce — tiger myrtle mandola


Mandola detail Mandola detail Mandola detail

Sound files

Kevin Keegan's Listen Planxty Irwin  Listen Random notes Listen


Hand carved master quality Swiss spruce top
Hand carved tiger myrtle back
Tiger myrtle sides and neck
French polished
Gidgee fretboard, tiger myrtle bridge
45cm (17.6 inch) scale length
Tuned to CGDA (or similar)
K&K twin internal pickup
SN: A046
Price: $3650

Spruce— tiger myrtle octave mandolin

Select image for more photos

Sound files

Fanny power Listen Woods of Caolrua Listen


Hand carved 000 quality Swiss spruce 'moonwood' soundboard 
Hand carved figured tiger myrtle back, sides and neck
Ringed gidgee fretboard, Ebony bridge
French polished
54cm scale length
Tuned to GDAE (or GDAD)
K&K twin internal pickup
SN: V051
Price: $4250

King Billy pine—tiger myrtle—mandocello—SOLD

bouzoukibouzouki backbouzouki side

Octave mandolin detail Octave mandolin detail Octave mandolin detail

Sound files

Ferryland sealer Listen
Woods of Caol Rua Listen
Low scale Listen
High scale Listen


Hand carved King Billy pine top
Figured tiger myrtle back
Highly figured sides and neck
Gidgee fretboard
French polished
62.5cm (24.5inch) scale length
Tuned CGDA
K&K internal pickup installed
SN: C040
Price: SOLD

I always have more instruments on the way. Please contact me for more information.

For previously sold instruments, please see Archive page.